Terms And Conditions 2017-11-29T09:59:07+08:00


1. 一般条款和条件

  • 1.1 通过注册使用HWIN(以下分别统称为“HWIN”或“Site”)的条款和条件涵盖的服务,您将证明您年满18岁,并且您代表,证明并保证您已阅读,完全理解并同意受这些“条款和条件”的约束和遵守。如果您不希望接受以下条款和条件,则不得注册和开立帐户,您将无法访问与此相关的软件和游戏服务。
  • 1.2 网站上的注册,产品信息和HWIN提供的任何服务的使用均受这些“一般条款和条件”的约束。
  • 1.3 HWIN保留随时对本“一般条款和条件”进行调整和修改的权利,恕不另行通知。此类修改将在HWIN网站的“一般条款和条件”部分中立即生效并生效。您有责任定期阅读并审阅“一般条款和条件”。在对“一般条款和条件”进行更改或更新后,您继续使用本网站将构成您接受此类更改或更新。
  • 1.4 这些“一般条款和条件”代表您与HWIN合并之间的独家,最终和完整的协议,并取代您与HWIN之间的所有先前的表示,谅解和协议。您确认,在同意接受这些一般条款和条件的情况下,您没有依赖任何表示,除非在本“一般条款和条件”中已明确表示。
  • 1.5 如果本协议条款与HWIN网站上的任何条款有任何矛盾,以本协议的规定为准。
  • 1.6 在我们允许您参与HWIN游戏活动之前,我们保留自行决定的权利,要求您以我们的身份和年龄证明为先决条件。

2. 帐户使用条件

  • 2.1 如果玩家账号有任何争议,HWIN保留在达成解决方案之前暂停玩家帐号的权利。必须以书面形式提出争议的日期,时间和细节,并发送给HWIN客户服务。我们非常重视会员争议,努力采取一切合理措施,调查和解决所有争议。
  • 2.2 HWIN保留在任何情况下暂停,终止您的帐户的权利,恕不另行通知。您终止帐户时的任何余额将由HWIN确定的支付方式退还给您。然而,HWIN保留权利,全权酌情决定是否将您的HWIN帐户中的任何奖金以及您HWIN帐户中您可能拥有或曾经使用过的HWIN服务的任何余额以及您使用HWIN服务的任何其他权利或奖金,和播放。
  • 2.3 您完全负责保护您的会员帐户ID和密码。您不得允许任何其他人或第三方,包括但不限于任何未成年人,使用或重用您的HWIN帐户,访问和/或使用HWIN网站的任何信息或材料或接受任何奖品。您对您或HWIN帐户中的第三方所造成的任何购买和/或损失全部和全部负责。

3. 投注

  • 3.1 投注的验收和验证:
    • 赌注玩家必须从他们的玩家帐户中的资金投注。如果玩家从未成功存入资金或资金转移到他们各自的玩家帐户中,所有投注都是无效的。存款后,您的总赌注必须相当于或超过150%,否则我们将无法申请退款,请按需存放押金。
    • 确认投注一旦HWIN在您的账户中确认,HWIN不能取消投注,除非下注被宣布为无效或由于结果不正确。本条款和条件。
    • 准确的投注记录面对尽全力准确的准确性,我们不承担任何责任,也不会对网站上提供的信息的任何遗漏或错误负责
    • 扣除投注/未解决的投注无论结果何时确定,投注时您的账户将被扣除。 HWIN不能退还投注于尚未解决的未来投注的游戏投注。这样的赌注将在完成这样的游戏和奖金(如果适用),当时记入玩家账户后得到解决。
    • HWIN的投注决定是决赛
    • 玩家独家对奖金的责任您对与您或任何其他付款的任何奖金有关的任何适用的费用和税款负全部责任。 HWIN可以从您的奖金中报告和扣留任何金额,以符合任何适用的法律。奖金无法替代,转让或赎回任何其他奖金。
  • 3.2 赌注:
    • 最低限度
    • 自动游戏/操纵软件/篡改/作弊HWIN严格禁止任何自动播放游戏软件或任何其他操纵游戏在您/另一个玩家的帐户数据。此举可能会导致删除所有相关帐户,终止您的会员资格,取消和/或没收任何未完成的奖金和存款以及民事/刑事诉讼。除了上述之外,您同意HWIN有任何理由终止您的账户的完整和无限制的酌处权,并且在不限制上述内容的一般性的前提下,应该认为您参与本网站或任何其中提供的游戏不利于其运营本网站的原则。您特此放弃对HWIN的任何和所有追索权,以终止任何此类终止。您承认在计算机软件方面无法实现完全免于错误或不完整的自由。如果您意识到该软件包含这样的错误或不完整性,您承诺不采取任何优点。此外,在意识到这种错误或不完整性的时候,您应该书面通知HWIN。如果您未能履行本条款下的承诺,HWIN有权对所有费用进行全额赔偿,包括纠正由您的遗漏或行为引起的软件的费用,以利用此类错误或不完整性。您同意,HWIN对因篡改或其他未经授权访问或使用本网站或您的帐户而导致的任何损失,损害或伤害概不负责。您企图未经授权访问本网站的系统或任何帐户,干扰网站或游戏的程序或表现,或故意损坏或破坏本网站或游戏机,均受到民事和/或刑事诉讼,并将立即导致终止您的帐户,并没收您可能享有的任何和所有奖品

4. 奖金

  • 4.1 在发布或批准撤回之前,HWIN保留要求客户提供个人身份证明,信用卡/借记卡正面和背面副本,护照,驾驶执照或最近的银行对账单或其他适当文件等信息的权利正如Bigchoysun.com所认为有必要的。如果您不遵守任何安全性要求,HWIN保留对帐户中的任何奖金无效的权利。
  • 4.2 积分奖金 – 奖金将自动添加到您自己的账户。您的帐户的这些更新不是“获胜的证明”,或者应该将资金从您的帐户转移(借记)。如果手工审查有欺诈或不法行为的证据,HWIN保留取消某些奖励的权利,并相应修改您的各种帐户。

5. 奖金

  • 5.1 为了促销目的,奖金是指向客户提供的产品的虚拟货币。客户在交付之后,绝对不能不收款。不同的奖金处理规则将适用,取决于奖金的类型。
  • 5.2 客户满足该具体促销的要求后,只有奖金可以兑换成真实货币,并被退回客户账户。

6. 促销活动

  • 6.1 任何下注的资金将从玩家现金余额中扣除。如果没有现金,赌注将从奖金余额中扣除。因此,只有在没有现金余额的情况下才会发放奖金余额。
  • 6.2 所有优惠和促销活动仅限个人,家庭,家庭住址,电子邮件地址,电话号码,银行帐户和IP地址的一个免费开户帐户。
  • 6.3 任何投注在两边的投注将不会被计入或计入任何转牌要求。
  • 6.4 除非在任何促销方面另有说明,否则只有25%的赌注放置在任何轮盘游戏(所有变体)上,50%的总赌注放置在插槽和RNG游戏中,将计入任何奖金的投注要求。
  • 6.5 在任何时候,HWIN保留要求充分证明玩家身份的权利。此类证据必须证明玩家的付款细节,个人信息以及通过相关安全检查可能需要的任何其他附加信息。
  • 6.6 HWIN的员工或任何员工或代表的亲属不得并不得持有任何帐户或利用任何促销优惠。
  • 6.7 通过参与任何促销活动,并在Bigchoysun.com上投注赌注,玩家同意遵守这些条款和每个促销活动下列出的条款。任何不愿意同意这些条款的玩家应该联系HWIN支持团队获取更多信息,或者立即停止HWIN提供的任何服务。
  • 6.8 按照我们严格的安全政策,没有一名玩家可以每周(星期一至星期日)退出超过5万令吉,不包括累积奖金。
  • 6.9 当有合格账户持有人未能达成任何要约或促销期限时,HWIN保留收回,扣留或取消奖金加所有奖金的权利。同样的举措将适用于客户或客户群体所发生的一系列赌注的任何违规,滥用或证据,由于存款奖金或任何其他促销优惠导致保证客户利润,无论结果如何,无论是单独或作为组的一部分。此外,Bigchoysun保留对客户征收管理费用的权利,直至存入奖金的价值以支付行政费用。

7. 其他服务条款

  • 7.1 您将全权负责并同意支付您承担的所有费用,以及在使用HWIN的任何服务时,根据适用的法律规定报告和支付所有适用的税费。

8. 杂

  • 8.1 在本条款和条件翻译成其他语言的情况下,以英文版本为准。

9. 免责声明

  • 9.1 您应立即按要求持有HWIN,其员工,高管,董事,股东,许可证持有者,经销商,批发商,家长,关联公司,子公司,广告,促销或其他机构,媒体合作伙伴,代理商和供应商的无害化,并应全额赔偿任何可能由任何第三方产生或被宣称的索赔,损失,费用,损害赔偿,负债和费用(包括法律费用).
  • 9.2 对于通过Play上传或发送的内容或材料的任何丢失,我们不承担任何责任。您还确认,我们不会对您或任何第三方对Play的任何中止,修改或停止负责。
  • 9.3 HWIN承诺提供及时,公平的争议解决方案和纠正措施,无需过多的成本或负担,持有详细的赌注和所有财务交易的交易记录。这些记录存档期为5年(自交易之日起),并可根据要求向争议解决机构提供


Terms And Conditions :

1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HYWIN333.

2. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM30, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be RM38.

3. Existing members would be eligible for 50% extra bonus payout on every deposit he/she makes to HYWIN333. Under this promotion, a member's account balance needs to be at least 3 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made. For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 6 = (RM50 + RM25) x 6 = RM450

4. HYWIN333 reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amount in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :

We are thrilled to announce that 4D is now available at HYWIN333 ! Get ready for an exhilarating experience with our latest addition to our lineup of games.


Terms And Conditions :

1. This promotion is open to all members of HWIN.

2. This promotion is only limited to one new member, one household, and one IP address per day

3. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM50, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be RM38

4. Member will be given 20% extra bonus payout based on his/her deposit amount. Under this promotion, Min RM50 withdrawal requirement

5. HWIN reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amounts in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :

1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HYWIN333.

2. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM30, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be RM38.only availabe at 12am-8am

3. Existing members would be eligible for 15% extra bonus payout on every deposit he/she makes to HYWIN333 this promotion, a member's account balance needs to be at least 3 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made. For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 3 = (RM30 + RM4.50) x 3 = RM103.50


Terms And Conditions :

1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HYWIN333.

2. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM30, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be RM38.

3. Existing members would be eligible for 8% extra bonus payout on every deposit he/she makes to HYWIN333. Under this promotion, a member's account balance needs to be at least 3 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made. For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 3 = (RM30 + RM3) x 3 = RM99

4. HYWIN333 reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amount in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :

1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HYWIN333.

2. This promotion is only limited to one new member, one household, and one IP address.

3. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM30.

4. New member will be given RM30 extra bonus payout on his/her deposit. Under this promotion, a new member’s account balance needs to be at least 3 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made.For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 3 = (RM30 + RM40) x 3 = RM210

5. HYWIN333 reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amount in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :
1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HYWIN333.
2. This promotion is only limited to one time new member, one household, and one IP address.
3. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM30, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be MYR30.
4. Existing members would be eligible for MYR30 extra bonus payout on every deposit he/she makes to HYWIN333. Under this promotion, a member's account balance needs to be at least 6 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made. For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 5 = (RM30 + RM30) x 5 = RM300
5. HYWIN333 reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amounts in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :

1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HYWIN333.

2. TWO times 50MYR can get a free spin.

3. You can get up to 3 lucky spins per day.

4. If your lucky spin doesn't spin at 11:59PM. It will expire at 12:00AM.

5. HYWIN333 reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amount in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.

Deposit RM30 Get Rm70 MERDEKA BONUS

Terms And Conditions :
1. This PROMOTION is open to all existing members of HWIN.
2. To be eligible for this promotion, player is required to make a minimum deposit MYR30.
3. Player who make deposit MYR30 & MYR40 is eligible to claim this MERDEKA BONUS as listed below :

- RM30 get EXTRA RM30 = RM60 ( Min&Max Withdrawal 388 )

- RM40 get EXTRA RM40 = RM80 ( Min&Max Withdrawal 488 )
5. HWIN reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amount in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :
1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HWIN.
2. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM30, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be RM388.
3. Existing members would be eligible for 20% extra bonus payout on every deposit he/she makes to HWIN. Under this promotion, a member's account balance needs to be at least 6 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made. For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 6 = (RM30 + RM6) x 6 = RM216
4. HWIN reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amount in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :

1. This promotion is applicable only to HYWIN333 members who playing in WWW.HYWIN333.COM

2. 30% Rekemen Bonus will be given for successful member referred who have made a deposit minimum MYR 30.

3. Deposit of MYR 30 and above by referred member is required before bonus can be awarded to referrer.

4. The deposited and bonus amount has to be rollover at least 3x times on Minimum Withdrawal.

5. HYWIN333 reserved the rights to cancel this promotion at any time, either for all players or individual player without prior notice.

6. General Terms of Use specified on this site apply to all Promotions.

7. Above this HYWIN333 30% REKEMEN BONUS T&C


Terms And Conditions :
1. This promotion is open to all new members of HWIN.
2. This promotion is only limited to one new member, one household, and one IP address.
3. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM50, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be RM688.
4. New member will be given 50% extra bonus payout based on his/her deposit amount. Under this promotion, a new member’s account balance needs to be at least 6 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made. For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 6 = (RM50 + RM25) x 6 = RM450
5. HWIN reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amounts in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


Terms And Conditions :
1. This promotion is opened to all registered members of Hwin333.
2. Only active member is allowed to enjoy the Weekly ReBate once every week.
3. Cashback will be credited into member’s game account in the form of game credit. Such rebate will be performed on Monday of every week.
How much Cashback you can get?
RM50 CashBack Bonus – Apply for your RM50 CashBack Bonus if you lose more than RM1000-RM4999 in a week.
RM100 CashBack Bonus – Apply for your RM100 CashBack Bonus if you lose more than RM5000-RM9999 in a week.
RM200 CashBack Bonus – Apply for your RM200 CashBack Bonus if you lose more than RM10000 in a week.


Terms And Conditions :
1. This promotion is open to all existing members of HWIN.
2. To be eligible for this promotion, a new member is required to make a minimum deposit of at least RM30, while the maximum bonus payout is set to be RM688.
3. Existing members would be eligible for 10% extra bonus payout on every deposit he/she makes to HWIN. Under this promotion, a member's account balance needs to be at least 3 times of the initial deposit amount plus bonus payout, before a withdrawal can be made. For instance: Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) x 3 = (RM30 + RM3) x 3 = RM99
4. HWIN reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amount in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.


1. New member will be given 8% extra bonus payout based on his/her deposit amount.

2. Required account balance = (Deposit Amount + Bonus Payout) = (RM50 + RM4) Min Withdraw RM50 No Turnover / Rollover

3. Maximum Bonus Payout Per Day RM388 Per player, this Bonus Will be active on 12 Feb & 13 Feb

4. Hwin333 reserves the right to alter or terminate this promotion without prior notice from time to time. We also reserve the final right to forfeit or cancel any of the winning amounts in the event that members are found to have undertaken fraudulent action.